Case Studies Nothing gets a point across better than the personal, real-world story told by a flesh-and-blood human, one who is in the same boat as the visitor to the Web site। The case studies in this site are detailed recountings of individual SBI! experiences, each in their own words, in their own styles।
Encourage visitors who you send to to DO MORE THAN READ THE WORDS -- read between the lines. Feel the emotion they have for SBI!. It is the very rare product that elicits this kind of intensity. SBI! literally changes small business people's lives. The case studies are powerful proof.Course, Samples, Results, Compare, Show The Tools Get to the Alexa Point Test Do you reach small business people who already have Web sites? Challenge them to put their sites (or sites of friends or colleagues) to the traffic test...Choose It! Let your customers sell themselves। No matter what other Web hosting platform they consider, if they use Choose It!, Site Build It! wins every time।Proof Remember that your prospective customer is about to make the most important decision of his/her business life। So s/he'll be looking for proof। Only SBI! can provide the goods, so do remind them to compare our quantity and quality of proof of success with any competitor under consideration...BUILD CREDIBILITY - FOR SITESELLSite Build It! Video Action Guide What better way to reveal the power of SBI! than to let potential customers view the Video Action Guide in motion?
Take them through the all-important first days of building a Web business so they will KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that SBI! is the ONLY solution! Long Tail MarketingLong Tail marketing is the future of small business। Send your audience to this interview with Chris Anderson, author of the book The Long Tail, and discover why it's crucial for every small business person to grasp this concept. Your visitors will soon see why the Long Tail and SBI! fit together like a hand in glove.Content 2.0 People can't buy C2 directly, so why promote it? Because it does more than demonstrate the benefits of Content 2.0 . It does more than establish a desire for SBI! (you can NOT have C2 without SBI!)। It puts SiteSell "out there" on the cutting edge. It builds SiteSell's credibility as a company that delivers visibly different and advanced capabilities। It also builds SBI!'s credibility as a product that is constantly updated and kept on the cutting edge. Radio EventSick of Make Money Scams?
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